a, NV centers in a nanobeam fabricated from black diamond are
illuminated by a focused green laser beam and irradiated by a microwave source.
Spins are prepared in the
state using a microwave (−π/2)-pulse along the
axis. Subsequently, within one Floquet cycle, the spins evolve under a dipolar
interaction and microwave field Ωx aligned
along the
axis for duration τ1, immediately followed by
a global microwave θ-pulse along the
axis. After n repetitions of the Floquet cycle, the spin
polarization the
axis is read out. We choose τ1 as an integer
multiple of 2π/Ωx to
minimize accidental dynamical decoupling13. b-d, Representative time traces of the normalized
spin polarization P(nT) and respective Fourier
spectra, |S(ν)|2, for
different values of interaction time τ1 and
θ: (b)
τ1 = 92 ns, θ =
π, (c)
τ1 = 92 ns, θ =
1.034π, and (d)
τ1 = 989 ns, θ =
1.034π. Dashed lines in c indicate
ν = 1/2 ±
(θ −
π)/2π. Data are averaged
over more than 2 ⋅104 measurements.