(A) IFA of wild-type parasites grown with 4 mM GlcN. Schizont- and trophozoite-infected cells are shown for the indicated RhopH members. Colocalization with RAP1 indicates protein in schizont rhoptries. Colocalization with KAHRP and SBP1 indicates export to erythrocyte membrane in trophozoites. Scale bars, 5 μm. (B) Mean ± S.E.M. maximal open channel currents (I) for PVM channel recordings on R3glmS cultivated with 4 mM GlcN. Currents are shown at imposed membrane potentials (Vm, calculated as the negative of the pipette potential). The chord conductance, 1.7 nS, was determined by linear regression (solid line). (C) Single channel recordings from a PVM patch on R3glmS cultivated with 4 mM GlcN showing closed, open, and subconductance levels (red dashed, green dashed, and green dotted lines, respectively). Traces were recorded at membrane potentials of +40 mV, +35 mV, and −21 mV (top to bottom traces, respectively). Scale bar at bottom right represents 50 ms horizontal/30 pA vertical. (D) PVM channel open probability (mean ± S.E.M.) for R3glmS grown with 4 mM GlcN. Values were calculated as the mean time-averaged current divided by the maximal open channel current and plotted against imposed Vm.