Figure 5. Continuous Myb expression is critical for the maintenance of Setbp1 and Setbp1 missense mutants-induced AML cells.
(A) Western blotting analysis of Myb and β-Actin in wild-type bone marrow (WT-BM) and spleen (WT-SP), and leukemic spleens induced by Setbp1 (left panel) and Setbp1 missense mutants (right panel). (B) Mean and SD of colony numbers formed by 1 × 104 Setbp1, Setbp1(I/T), or Setbp1(D/N) induced leukemic cells 48 hrs after infection with lentiviral shRNA targeting Myb (Myb-sh1) or control shRNA (NC-sh1) with the corresponding knockdown efficiency shown at 72 hrs. ***P < 0.001 (two-tailed Student’s t test). (C) Survival curves of irradiated B6-Ly5.2 mice transplanted with Setbp1, Setbp1(I/T) and Setbp1(D/N) induced leukemic cells infected with lentiviral shRNA targeting Myb (Myb-sh1) or control shRNA (NC-sh1). Combined results of 2 separate experiments are shown for each survival comparison. *P < 0.05 (Log-rank test).