Figure 6. Lgr6 progeny in inter-tumoral skin and skin tumors of hairless mice.
Samples were stained for LacZ+ cells (UV- carcinogenesis A-C; chemical carcinogenesis D-F). Whole mount inter-tumoral skin after UV-carcinogenesis (A) showed less Lgr6 progeny in the IFE compared to inter-tumoral skin after chemical carcinogenesis (D). UV-induced tumors showed very sparse labelling in differentiated cells either when lineage tracing was initiated at the beginning of the experiment (B) or when tumors were formed (C); the same holds true for chemically induced tumors (E, F). Some hair follicle-like structures bordering the tumor masses stained LacZ+, with early lineage tracing (E and insert); tumor with late tracing in F. Scale bars = 100 μm (C+F) and 200 μm (A,B,D,E).