Fig. 22.
A one-page commercial report for the eye in Fig. 5 based upon a single wide-field (9×12mm) swept-source OCT cube scan [9.30beta (Atlantis) and v1.16beta (IMAGEnet6), Topcon Inc, Tokyo, Japan]. (A) An image derived from the wide-field scan. (B) The cpRNFL thickness plot (black) obtained from the disc cube scan and shown in NSTIN orientation as in Fig. 1C. (C) The RNFL thickness map from the sdOCT cube scan of the macula (left) and disc (right). (D) The RGC+ thickness map from the wide-field cube scan. (E) The RNFL probability maps based upon the thickness maps in panel (C) shown in VF view with the 24-2 and 10-2 VF locations from Fig. 13A.B superimposed. (F) The RGC+ probability map based upon the thickness maps in panel (D) with the 10-2 VF locations from Fig. 13B superimposed. The circles in panels (E) and (F) show the borders (±8°) of the macula and, the color bar to the right indicates the probability for the OCT thickness. G. An en-face slab image as described in Hood et al (2015b). (H) Pie charts showing the thickness values and probabilities for quadrants (top) and clock hours (bottom). Green, yellow and red indicate within normal limits, p≤0.05 and p≤0.01. See Hood et al (2016).