Table 1.
Cell culture models | ||||
Name | Other names | Isolation method | Identifying markers | Reference |
Endothelial colony-forming cells | Blood outgrowth endothelial cells Late outgrowth EPCs |
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) are isolated from peripheral blood with a Ficoll gradient. Cells are plated on collagen-1, grown in cEGM-2, and colonies appear between 14 and 21 days in culture | Expression of CD31; CD141; CD105; CD146; CD144; vWF; Flk-1; CD34; CD133; CD117; eNOS | (12, 18) |
Negative staining for CD45, CD14 | ||||
Single-cell assay: able to repopulate from a single cell | ||||
Able to form capillary structures in vitro | ||||
Cobblestone morphology | ||||
Colony-forming unit-endothelial cells | Early outgrowth EPCs, CFU-Hill EPCs | PBMNCs are isolated from peripheral blood similar to above, plated on fibronectin, grown in M199 medium, and colonies appear between 5 and 7 days in culture | Expression of CD34, vWF, CD144, Flk-1, UEA-1, Tie-2 | (10, 14, 19) |
DiI-Ac-LDL uptake | ||||
Negative staining for VCAM-1 | ||||
Spindle-like morphology |
vWF, von Willebrand factor; Flk-1, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; UEA-1, Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; Tie-2, TEK receptor tyrosine kinase; DiI-Ac-LDL, DiI-conjugated acetylated low-density lipoprotein.