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. 2017 Jan 21;34(3):599–610. doi: 10.1007/s12325-017-0478-y

Table 1.

Currently available wound dressings

Type of dressing Commercially available products Notes
Gauze Curity, Vaseline Gauze, Xeroform Inexpensive, drying, may cause further injury on changing
Films Bioclusive, Blisterfilm, Cutifilm, Flexigrid, OpSite, Tegaderm Occlusive, retains moisture, only for non-exudative wounds
Hydrocolloids Aquacel, Comfeel, DuoDERM, Granuflex, Tegasorb Long times between changes, fluid-trapping, occlusive, not for infected wounds
Hydrogels Carrasyn, Curagel, Nu-Gel, Purilon, Restore, SAF-gel, XCell Rehydrates dry wounds, easy removal/changes, may cause over-hydration
Foams 3M Adhesive Foam, Allevyn, Lyofoam, Tielle Moderately absorbent, insulating
Alginates Algisite, Kaltostat, Sorbsan, Tegagen Highly absorbent, hemostatic
Hydrofibers Aquacel Hydrofiber Highly absorbent
Tissue engineered skin substitutes Alloderm, Apligraf, Biobrane, Bioseed, Dermagraft, Epicel, EZ Derm, Hyalograft, Integra Omnigraft, Laserskin, Myskin, TransCyte Addresses deficient growth factors and cytokines, expensive, risk of infection, antigenicity