FIG 6.
Expression patterns of whole promoters and core promoters only. Expression patterns were measured for the whole upstream regulatory region (A to D) and only the core promoter (E to H) of astC, gadA, gadB, and hdeA. As expected from the RNA-seq data, the whole astC fusion was sensitive (P = 0.04; t test), and the gadA, gadB, and hdeA fusions were all insensitive (P = 2 × 10−6, P = 10−5, and P = 0.04, all by one-sample t test). The P values were adjusted for multiple comparisons by using Holm's sequential adjustment method (85). The core promoters (E to H) had much lower levels of maximal transcription than the full-length promoters. All four had much-altered patterns of sensitivity, although only gadA and gadB patterns were significantly different from the whole promoter pattern (P = 0.08 [astC], P = 0.01 [gadA], P = 10−6 [gadB], and P = 0.21 [hdeA], all by two-sample t test with Holm's correction). n = 6 to 8. Error bars indicate standard errors of the mean results.