Figure 4.
Affinity purified CENP-ALAP expressed from an endogenous CENP-A locus is assembled into chromatin as a homotypic octamer and does not contain H3. (A) Schematic for construction and use of a HeLa cell line in which CENP-A was tagged at the endogenous allele with a LAP-tag consisting of Hisx6, a Precission protease cleavage site and EYFP (Mata et al., 2012). The resulting CENP-A+/LAP cell line was adapted to growth in suspension. (B) Localization of endogenously tagged CENP-ALAP determined with indirect immunofluorescence using anti-GFP antibody. Bars: 5 µm; (inset) 1 µm. (C) Experimental design for affinity purification of endogenously tagged CENP-ALAP monochromatin particles. (D) SDS-PAGE of serial 1:2 dilutions of input, immunoprecipitation, and unbound fractions of CENP-ALAP affinity purification from cells synchronized in G2. (E, left) Quantification of CENP-ALAP and nontagged CENP-A levels in the blot shown in D before correcting for the fraction of CENP-A that passes through the membrane. (right) Quantification of CENP-ALAP and nontagged CENP-A levels in the input and immunoprecipitation (IP) in the blot shown in D after correcting for the underscoring of CENP-A as shown in Fig. S3 (A and B). For each panel, n = 3 from three independent loadings in the gel shown in D. Error bars represent SEM. (F) CENP-ALAP immunoprecipitation efficiency (left) and levels of unbound nontagged endogenous CENP-A (right) were quantified in the blot shown in D. For each panel, n = 3 from three independent loadings in the gel shown in D. Error bars represent SEM.