Group A: very low risk
Small discrete tumors not threatening vision |
(i) All tumors are 3 mm or smaller, confined to the retina |
(ii) Located at least 3 mm from the foveola and 1.5 mm from the optic nerve |
(iii) No vitreous or subretinal seeding |
Group B: low risk
No vitreous or subretinal seeding |
(i) Tumors of any size or location not in group A |
(ii) No vitreous or subretinal seeding |
(iii) Subretinal fluid no more than 5 mm from tumor base |
Group C: moderate risk
Focal vitreous or subretinal seeding and discrete retinal tumors of any size and location |
(i) Local, fine, and limited seeding |
(ii) Discrete intraretinal tumors of any size and location |
(iii) Up to one quadrant of subretinal fluid |
Group D: high risk
Diffuse vitreous or subretinal seeding |
(i) Diffuse intraocular disseminated disease |
(ii) Extensive or “greasy” vitreous seeding |
(iii) Subretinal seeding may be plaque-like |
(iv) More than one quadrant retinal detachment |
Group E: very high risk
Very high risk with one or more of the following: |
(i) Irreversible neovascular glaucoma |
(ii) Massive intraocular hemorrhage |
(iii) Aseptic orbital cellulitis |
(iv) Tumor anterior to anterior vitreous face |
(v) Tumor touching the lens |
(vi) Diffuse infiltrating Rb |
(vii) Phthisis or prephthisis |