a, An example orientation map and local heterogeneity index map. The local heterogeneity index was used to compare ON and OFF subfield arrangement for cortical regions with different orientation map structure. b, (top) Illustration comparing the visuotopic displacement of OFF subfields to the theoretical prediction from a smooth visuotopic map. (bottom) Illustration comparing the visuotopic displacement of ON subfields to the orientation map. c, (top) Visuotopic distortion of OFF subfield centers in relation to the structure of the orientation map. There is no relationship between local heterogeneity and the visuotopic precision of OFF subfields (linear regression, N = 1811 cells from 7 animals, P = 8.2 × 10−2). (bottom) Axial mismatch of ON subfield centers in relation to the structure of the orientation map. There is no relationship between local heterogeneity and the axial displacement of ON subfield centers (linear regression, N = 1811 cells, P = 9.6 × 10−2). d, Examples of the ON and OFF subfield center distributions from an 80 μm circular region (black circle) centered on three distinct regions of orientation map.