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. 2017 Mar 14;17:27. doi: 10.1186/s12911-017-0421-9

Table 1.

Description of MOTECH program activities and inputs

Program Activities Description and Inputs
 Program Design National leadership meetings held among central program leadership, regional and district health management teams
 Content development, provider training materials GF staff worked with GHS Family Health Division and Health Promotion Unit at National level, and with District counterparts to develop messaging content, training materials, and marketing materials
 Telecommunications • Voice message program national negotiations and ongoing partnership with Telecommunications Companies
• Infrastructure establishment to manage call system
 Technology Platform support and server hosting
 Personnel Central, Regional, and District staff time allocated to develop the program for each district
Start Up
 National level Established MOTECH National Steering Committee
 District Profiling Data on health system and telecommunication infrastructure compiled by DHMT for central database
 District capacity building Establish partnerships with Regional and District Health Management Teams
• Establish Regional MOTECH sub-Steering Committee for Greater Accra and Volta regions
• Establish district Technical Working groups
• Placement of 1 full time GF staff in each district and concurrent appointment of one DHMT staff member to serve as “District MOTECH Coordinator” and lead day to day operations. Both staff work under direction of District Director of Health.
 Content Localization Standardization, translation, and testing of Voice health messaging content
 Equipment Phone purchases for facilities
 Customer Support Customer service referral system for technical or programmatic issues
 Training • Orientation for leadership
• Nurse training on Simplified Registers and technical data entry application,
• Sub-District orientation on program
 Community Mobilization District Launch events, Durbars and other marketing
 Partnership Building • Regional steering committee meeting for program planning in district;
• Technical steering committees in the district meet monthly for 4 months to direct start up
 Vehicle Maintenance Cost to maintain and use existing vehicles without new capital cost purchase
 Office Maintenance Central Office space
 Telecommunications Airtime for voice messages, Nurse data upload cost
 Personnel & Benefits Grameen, Regional, and District staff time allocated to initiating the program for each district
 Technology Platform support, server hosting, system modification to absorb call capacity
 Technical Groups DHMT included program tasks in current workflow
 M&E Routine data entry application for use in monitoring
 Continued Training Refresher training, Training of new hires
 Equipment & Materials Replacement/resupply of phones and Simplified Registers
 Field Office Maintenance GHS District Office space
 Office Maintenance Central Office space— Grameen Foundation
 Personnel & Benefits Central, Regional, and District staff time allocated to maintaining the program
 Telecommunications Airtime for voice messages, Nurse data upload cost
 Technology Maintenance Data platform, IT technical assistance

*Modified from Willcox M et al. 2017 (Willcox M, et al. Is Mobile Technology for Community Health good value for money? Evidence on the cost effectiveness of mobile health in Ghana. Submitted for publication)