(A, B) List of BioID hits for (A) B9L-BirA* and (B) BCL9-BirA*±10–12 hr of WCM; names above the dotted line refer to the top hits, while names below this line refer to hits selected on relevance to Wnt (blue) or nuclear co-receptors (green); only specific hits with a > 5 spectral count ratio relative to the BirA* control are shown; numbers represent unweighted spectral counts (>95% probability). (C) RIME hits for FLAG-B9L-BirA*; only specific hits with a >5 spectral count ratio relative to the control are shown. (D) List of BioID hits for PYGO2-BirA*, as in (A, B); *, identified with lower confidence (>55% probability).