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. 2017 Mar 9;8:27–32. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S112688

Table 1.

Overview of the studies included in the meta-analysis

Study Design Population n Injuries Variables Definition of RTP
Brewer et al35 Prospective study Competitive and recreational athletes 95 Acute ACL injury Negative responses, adherence NA
Heredia et al16 Prospective study Competitive athletes 20 All types of injuries Negative responses, adherence, RTP The period between the date when the athlete was declared medically fit and the data on which the athlete returned to play
Lentz et al36 Prospective study Injured athletes 60 Acute ACL injury Negative responses, RTP RTP
Lu and Hsu37 Cross-sectional study Collegiate student athletes 224 All types of injuries Negative responses, adherence NA
Muller et al38 Prospective study Injured athletes 40 Acute ACL injury Negative responses, RTP RTP 7 months after surgery
Podlog et al39 Cross-sectional study High-school students (study 1), collegiate athletes (study 2) 118 (study 1)
105 (study 2)
All types of injuries Negative responses, adherence NA
Shin et al40 Prospective study Competitive athletes 40 All types of injuries Adherence, RTP RTP

Note: n, sample size.

Abbreviations: RTP, return to play; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; NA, not available.