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. 2004 Dec;42(12):5950–5953. doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.12.5950-5953.2004


Sequential profiles of CSF from a compromised individual with C. albicans meningitis

Daya Amphotericin B dose (g)b Days of caspofungin use CSF culture for C. albicansc No. of RBC/mm3 of CSFe No. of WBC/mm3 of CSFf % S/M/Ld CSF glucose level (mg/dl) CSF protein level (mg/dl)
23 0 110,000 1,500 87/6/7 18 686
33 0 + 5,616 576 84/0/16 83 106
40 0 + 72 1,158 81/19/0 59 117
43 0.05 + 58 145 72/21/7 74 78
57 0.75 120 10 10/70/20 57 49
65 1.15 2,080 20 65/30/5 65 109
71 1.40 + 8 13 70/15/15 63 36
78 1.80 + 57 24 66/34/0 74 30
103 2.90 1 +
104 2.95 2 + 11 14 70/12/18 75
107 3.10 5
109 7 3,890 13 61/19/18 41 42
116 14 0 35 72/8/20 45 50
126 24 0 4 0/25/75 54 33

Day 0, the day chemotherapy was started; day 23, the first day a lumbar puncture was performed.


Cumulative dose of parenteral amphotericin B. Total cumulative dose, 3.1 g.


+ and −, positive and negative for growth of C. albicans in CSF.


Percentages of segmented neutrophils (S), monocytes (M), and lymphocytes (L), respectively.


RBC, red blood cells.


WBC, white blood cells.