Table 2.
Resource | Type |
Billboards | “Walk With Us” sign |
Videosa | Where are you doing it? |
Are you doing it enough? | |
Put a spring in your step | |
When’s your next flight? | |
Winter last wo(man) standingb | |
UWALK in winter | |
UWALK in your community | |
UWALK at work | |
How to UWALK | |
Promotional | Pedometer branding |
UWALK at work postcard | |
UWALK in your community postcard | |
Walking break door hanger | |
Go for a walk door hanger | |
Improve your mood with some fresh air poster | |
Walk yourself to a healthier happier you | |
No waiting, steps this way | |
Climb your way to better health | |
Infographics | Stair climbing infographic |
Environmental | Posters to identify flights (1–20 flights) |
Stair climbing reusable stickersc | |
Partner resources | Logo and brand guidelines |
Printable activity log | |
Help guide for communities | |
Community education PowerPoint | |
Workplace education PowerPoint | |
2 × Library loan program posters | |
Library pedometer packaging | |
3 × printable challenge maps |
aVideos are currently being disseminated through Vimeo and YouTube and imbedded on the UWALK website
bThe UWALK in Winter video was created as a general video and the Winter Last Wo(Man) Standing video has the same content as UWALK in Winter except it was used to promote one of the UWALK feature challenges and included challenge specific information at the end of the video
cAvailable in different sizes and colours