Figure 1. Simulated magnetic structure and L-TEM images of Néel skyrmions.
(a,b) Spin structure of a skyrmion with positive DMI and a polarity of −1 and +1, respectively. The colour corresponds to the normalized out-of-plane component of the magnetization. (c,d) The corresponding curl of the magnetization from (a,b). The colour represents the normalized y-component of the curl, which, when tilted about the x axis, leads to a non-zero z-component, and results in the formation of Néel skyrmion contrast. (e–g) Simulated Lorentz images at −30°, 0° and 30° tilt about the x axis (indicated by the dashed line) for nominally 100 nm, skyrmion of −1 polarity taken at −1 mm defocus. (h–j) Same, but for the spin structure of +1 polarity skyrmion. Scale bar, 200 nm.