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. 2017 Mar 15;7:44664. doi: 10.1038/srep44664

Table 2. Group analyses of BOLD cortical activation after left and right median-nerve stimulation at 3 Hz in myoclonic patients.

  ROI Voxels MAX MAX X (mm) MAX Y (mm) MAX Z (mm) COG X (mm) COG Y (mm) COG Z (mm)
RS PRG.L/POG.L 4929 4.99 −30 −26 53 −34.5 −21.9 52.8
LS PO.R/H.R/INS.R 18540 7.36 55 −20 9 51.3 −16.3 6.04
PRG.R/POG.R 15982 14 37 −18 53 35.2 −24.3 55.9
CO.L/POG.L/INS.L 10689 5.74 −65 −23 21 −55.2 −21.9 21.4
CER.V.L 6480 7.27 −22 −48 −17 −13.5 −50.8 −14.2

RS = right stimulation; LS = left stimulation; Voxels = the number of voxels in the cluster; MAX = the value of the maximum z-statistic within the cluster; MAX X/Y/Z (vox/mm) = the location of the maximum intensity voxel, given as X/Y/Z coordinate values in standard space coordinates (mm); COG X/Y/Z (vox/mm) = the location of the centre of gravity for the cluster (a weighted average of the coordinates by the intensities within the cluster); PRG = precentral gyrus; POG = postcentral gyrus; PO = parietal operculum cortex; H = Heschls gyrus (includes H1 and H2); INS = insular cortex; CO = central opercular cortex; CER = cerebellum; L = left; R = right.