Figure 2.
Map-Based Cloning of RLA1 and Complementation Analysis.
(A) Linkage map of the RLA1 locus. RLA1 is located 18 Mb from the 5′ telomere, between RM18590 and RM3969 on chromosome 5. The vertical arrows indicate the molecular marker positions.
(B) Schematic diagram of the RLA1 locus. The position of the rla1 mutation is shown. The inserted sequence is highlighted with italics and bold font.
(C) Phenotypic complementation by introduction of the full-length RLA1 genomic fragment into rla1 mutants. rla1-C, the transformant of RLA1 in the rla1 background. The rla1-C is a representative line for these transformants.
(D) The statistical data of the lamina angle of the second lamina joint of the wild type, rla1-C, and rla1. Data are means ± se (n = 20). The comparisons were determined by Student’s t test. ***P < 0.001, and “ns” means no significance.
(E) The transcript levels of RLA1, D2, OsDWF4, and D11 in the wild type, rla1-C, and rla1. The transcript level in the wild type was defined as “1.” Data are means ± se (n = 3).