NRPs Act Upstream of Ethylene/RHD6 Pathways and in Conjunction with WER-Containing Transcription Factor Complex.
The wild type (WT) and nrp1-1 nrp2-1 were vertically cultured in normal culture medium (A) and medium containing 25 μM AVG
(B), respectively. Mutants of rhd6
(C) and wer-1
(D) were introgressed into nrp1-1 nrp2-1 to obtain rhd6 nrp1-1 nrp2-1 and wer-1 nrp1-1 nrp2-1 triple mutants, respectively. Plants were grown vertically in normal culture medium. Images were taken at 12 DAG. Bars = 0.5 mm.