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. 2017 Mar 16;6:e20437. doi: 10.7554/eLife.20437

Appendix 1—table 1. Features of mitochondrial membranes.

Cell volumes are from Lynch and Marinov (2015), in some cases supplemented with additional references from the literature. V: cell volume (in μm3); SAC: cellular surface area (in μm2); SAMI: inner mitochondrial membrane surface area (in μm2); SAMI+MO: inner+outer mitochondrial membrane surface area (in μm2); MI/MO ratio between inner and outer mitochondrial membrane surface area

Species V SAC SAMI SAMI+MO MI/MO References
Unicellular eukaryotes
Exophiala dermatitidis 43.80 50.95 73.98 Biswas et al. (2003)
Candida albicans 35.36 96.10 37.37 Tanaka et al. (1985); Klis et al. (2014)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 69.07 61.42 15.83 Uchida et al. (2011)
Tetrahymena pyriformis 16666.00 3014.05 12987.60 83968.50 5.200 Gleason et al. (1975); Poole (1983)
Trichoderma viride 126.70 122.01 139.40 Rosen et al. (1974)
Cat, gracilis muscle 2.323 Schwerzmann et al. (1989)
Hamster, intestinal enterocyte 1890.00 5772.00 2668.00 9351.00 3.256 Buschmann and Manke (1981a, 1981b)
Human HeLa cells 2798.67 1178.00 1424.74
Mouse heart 7.020 Kistler and Weber (1975)
Mouse liver 3.540 Kistler and Weber (1975)
Mouse lymphocyte 50.69 88.27 20.43 Al-Hamdani et al. (1979); Mayhew et al. (1979)
Mouse immunoblast 392.98 282.94 143.52 Al-Hamdani et al. (1979)
Mouse pancreas 1434.00 973.00 779.00 Dean (1973)
Pig pancreas cell 1060.00 581.90 460.50 2698.50 4.860 Bolender (1974)
Rat Leydig cell, testes 1210.00 1517.00 1641.00 4561.00 1.779 Mori and Christensen (1980)
Rat liver cell 5100.00 1680.00 7651.65 42615.56 4.718 Weibel et al. (1969); Jakovcic et al. (1978)
Rat heart 12.760 Reith et al. (1973)
Rat L-8 skeletal muscle cell 4.670 Reith et al. (1973)
Land plants and algae
Arabidopsis thaliana, cotyledon 5237.75 1307.00
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 128.38 129.60 66.82 Calvayrac et al. (1974); Hayashi and Ueda (1989)
Chlorella fusca 102.00 111.40 48.40 Atkinson et al. (1974); Forde et al. (1976)
Dunaliella salina 590.80 322.50 87.40 Maeda and Thompson (1986)
Medicago sativa, meristem 166.90 221.50 16.00 Zhu et al. (1991)
Ochromonas danica 2.450 Smith-Johannsen and Gibbs, 1972
Ostreococcus tauri 0.91 8.30 0.70 Henderson et al. (2007)
Polytoma papillatum 862.54 471.43 778.64 Gaffal et al. (1982)
Rhus toxicodendron 1222.00 1288.50 2.545 Vassilyev (2000)