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. 2016 Dec 23;8(3):5219–5232. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14124

Table 3. Univariate analysis of factors associated with overall survival.

Variable HR 95% CI P-value
Age at diagnosis (y>50/y≤50) 1.49 0.79-2.82 0.218
Menopausal status (Pre/Post) 0.66 0.35-1.23 0.192
Tumor size (>2cm/≤2cm) 0.55 0.27-1.14 0.109
Nodal status (N3+N2/N1+N0) 3.28 1.54-6.95 0.002
ER status (+/−) 0.67 0.34-1.34 0.260
PR status (+/−) 0.64 0.34-1.20 0.163
TNM stages (IV/III+II+I) 4.64 2.34-9.20 0.000
Intratumoral TILs (≥10%/<10%) 0.35 0.11-1.13 0.078
Stromal TILs (≥10%/<10%) 0.52 0.27-0.99 0.045
Intratumoral FXOP3+ Tregs (high/low) 1.09 0.58-2.05 0.783
Stromal FXOP3+ Tregs (high/low) 1.95 1.01-3.75 0.045
Intratumoral CD68+ Mφ(high/low) 1.83 0.96-3.49 0.065
Stromal CD68+ Mφ(high/low) 2.24 1.16-4.34 0.017
Intratumoral IL17+ Th17 (high/low) 1.26 0.65-2.44 0.494
Stromal IL17+ Th17 (high/low) 1.23 0.65-2.33 0.525
FOXP3+ cancer cells (high/low) 0.49 0.25-0.99 0.048

Abbreviation: HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; ER, estrogen receptor; PR, progestrone receptor; TILs, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes; Tregs, regulatory T cells; Mφ, macrophage; Th17, T helper cell 17;