Figure 1. SKLB-178 treatment inhibits the growth of a subset of NSCLC cell lines.
(A) The chemical structure of SKLB-178. (B) Average IC50 values of SKLB-178 and Gefitinib for 13 indicated NSCLC cell lines. The columns without error bars indicate the insensitive cell lines (IC50 values >10 μM). Column, mean; bars, SD. (C) Anti-viability assay of SKLB-178, Gefitinib and Afatinib against three typical NSCLC cells HCC827, H1975 and A549. Points, mean values; bars, SD. (D) Long-term colony formation assay of HCC827, H1975 and A549 cells. (E) The fluorescence microscopic appearance of EdU and DAPI on three typical NSCLC cells after treatment with 100 nM (for HCC827) or 3 μM (for H1975 and A549) SKLB-178 and the same concentration of Gefitinib. EDU-positive cells (red) are quantified for statistics. Scale bar represent 50 μm. Horizontal bars, means (n = 6). ***P < 0.001; ns, no significant difference.