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. 2017 Feb 15;7(6):1836–1849. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2794

Table 1.

Published concentrations of eugenol and thymol in selected plants. Concentrations are given in ppm fresh mass when possible. Where references quantified concentrations in percent of essential oil per unit dry mass, concentrations were converted based on other studies that quantified leaf moisture content and/or essential oil yield, as explained in “Notes” column

Species Sample type Concentration References Notes
A. Plant species high in eugenol
Ocimum selloi Leaves ~1,200 ppm Martins et al. (1997) 0.2% essential oil by fresh mass, 63% eugenol in oil
Flowers ~2,400 ppm Martins et al. (1997) 0.4% essential oil by fresh mass, 63% eugenol in oil
Ocimum basilicum Leaves (broad‐leaf variety) ~70 ppm Wogiatzi, Papachatzis, Kalorizou, Chouliara and Chouliaras (2011) 500 ppm in dried leaves; 86% leaf moisture (Rocha, Lebert, & Marty‐Audouin, 1993). O. basilicum may also contain thymol (Lee et al., 2005)
Leaves (narrow‐leaf variety) ~100 ppm Wogiatzi et al. (2011) 700 ppm in dried leaves; 86% moisture (Rocha et al., 1993)
Rosa x hybrida Stamens 50 ppm Bergougnoux et al. (2007) 13.1% of 380.6 ppm total analytes
Cucurbita pepo cv. Tosca Petals 0.99–1.2 ppm Granero, Gonzalez, Sanz, and Vidal (2005)
Nectar 0.02–0.57 ppm Granero et al. (2005)
Dianthus caryophyllus Floral volatiles Trace‐84.1% of emissions Clery, Owen, Chambers and Thornton‐Wood (1999)
Gymnadenia densiflora Flower headspace 0.839 ppm Gupta et al. (2014)
Rosmarinus spp. Monofloral honey 0.02–0.03 ppm Castro‐Vázquez, Pérez‐Coello and Cabezudo (2003)
B. Plant species high in thymol
Lippida sidoides Leaves ~8,200 de Medeiros et al. (2011) 1.06% oil in leaves (Veras et al., 2012), 78% thymol in oil
Origanum dictamnus Leaves ~1,300 Daferera et al. (2000) 1.05% essential oil by mass (Argyropoulou, Papadatou, Grigoriadou, Maloupa, & Skaltsa, 2014), 78% thymol in oil, 84% moisture in leaves (Loghmanieh, Bakhoda, & Issa, 2013).
Origanum vulgare Leaves and flowers ~990 ppm De Martino, De Feo, Formisano, Mignola and Senatore (2009) 2.3% essential oil by dry mass. 63% thymol in oil, 84% moisture in leaves (Loghmanieh, Bakhoda, and Issa, 2013). O. vulgaris may also contain eugenol (De Martino et al., 2009; Milos et al., 2000)
Thymus vulgaris Leaves ~,3200 ppm Daferera et al. (2000) ~0.5% essential oil by fresh mass (Hudaib, Speroni, Di Pietra, & Cavrini, 2002), 64% thymol in oil
Thymus vulgaris Leaves ~1,370 ppm Lee et al. (2005) 8550 ppm in dried leaves; assume 84% moisture in leaves (Loghmanieh et al., 2013). T. vulgaris may also contain eugenol (Lee et al., 2005)
Thymus pulegioides L. Leaves and flowers ~1,500 ppm Senatore (1996) 0.5% essential oil by fresh mass, 30% thymol in oil
Satureja montana Leaves ~1,000 ppm Nikolić et al. (2014) 1.5% essential oil by dry mass (Sefidkon, Jamzad, & Mirza, 2004), 44% thymol in oil, 84% moisture in leaves (Loghmanieh, Bakhoda, and Issa, 2013)
Origanum majorana Leaves ~1,100 ppm Daferera et al. (2000) Assume 0.5% essential oil by fresh mass (Hudaib et al., 2002), 14% thymol in oil. O. majorana may also contain eugenol (Deans & Svoboda, 1990)
Thymus vulgaris Nectar 5.2–8.2 ppm Palmer‐Young, Sadd et al. (2016)
Thymus spp. Honey 0.27 ppm Nozal, Bernal, Jiménez, González and Higes (2002)