N-glycan profiling of MAb 37 and MAb 65. DNA sequencer-assisted fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis chromatograms of the fluorescently labeled dextran ladder (top) and N-glycans on MAb 37 and MAb 65 (bottom). For each MAb, the upper panel provides the chromatogram for the untreated sample, which was subjected to exoglycosidase digests using an α-2,3/6/8-sialidase alone or α-2,3/6/8-sialidase combined with an α-1,2/3/4/6-fucosidase, as indicated. The glucose units from the ladder were annotated using N-glycans from bovine RNase B (not shown), and the annotated structures were confirmed using additional exoglycosidase digests. Blue squares, N-acetylglucosamine residues; green circles, mannose residues; yellow circles, galactose residues; red triangles, fucose residues.