Figure 6. Effect of rex deletion on avermectin production in S. avermitilis.
(A) Avermectin production in rex-related mutant strains. ATCC31267, wild-type; Drex, rex-deletion mutant; 31267 (pSET152) and 31267 (pKC1139), empty plasmid-containing controls; Drex-C, rex-deletion complementation strain 31267 (pSET-rex); Orex, rex overexpressing strain 31267 (pKC-rex). (B) Avermectin production in ATCC31267 and Drex with various oxygen limitation conditions. *Agitation speed 230 rpm (control, 250 rpm); **Static culture for 2 h at day 5 during fermentation (250 rpm). (C) RT-qPCR analysis of aveR, aveA1, and aveD transcription levels in ATCC31267 and Drex. RNA samples were the same ones used for experiments shown in Fig. 1. Quantitative data were normalized to hrdB expression value. Values shown are mean ± SD from three replicates. Statistical significance of differences was determined using Student’s t-test. ***P < 0.001; NS, not significant.