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. 2017 Mar 16;17:198. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3176-x

Table 1.

Demographics and characteristics of patients at enrollment to therapy

LOT1 (n = 889) LOT ≥ 2 (n = 605)
Characteristics < 75 years ≥ 75 years p valuea,b < 75 years ≥ 75 years p valuea,b
(n = 630) (n = 259) (n = 409) (n = 196)
Age, years
 Mean 62.4 80.4 63.9 80.8
 SD 8.26 4.33 7.67 4.37
 Median 63.0 80.0 65.0 80.0
 Range 22–74 75–99 34–74 75–96
Sex, n (%)
 Male 411 (65.2) 155 (59.8) 0.1288 281 (68.7) 106 (54.1) 0.0005
 Female 219 (34.8) 104 (40.2) 128 (31.3) 90 (45.9)
Duration of CLL from diagnosis to registry enrollment, years
 Median 1.4 1.8 0.2912 7.0 7.2 0.7074
 Range 0–29 0–32 0–32 0–30
Time from diagnosis to first LOT, years
 Median 1.4 1.8 0.2593 1.4 2.3 0.0139
 Range 0–29 0–32 0–32 0–20
Race, n (%)c,d
 White 561 (92.3) 237 (92.9) 0.7211 352 (90.0) 183 (96.3) 0.0076
 Black 40 (6.6) 16 (6.3) 37 (9.5) 5 (2.6)
 American Indian/Alaskan native 0 0 1 (0.3) 0
 Asian 3 (0.5) 0 1 (0.3) 0
 Other 4 (0.7) 2 (0.8) 0 2 (1.1)
Geographic region, n (%)c,d
 Northeast 75 (12.0) 37 (14.3) 0.2029 58 (14.3) 37 (19.0) 0.016
 Midwest 207 (33.2) 70 (27.1) 137 (33.7) 45 (23.1)
 South 249 (40.0) 103 (39.9) 162 (39.8) 77 (39.5)
 West 92 (14.8) 48 (18.6) 50 (12.3) 36 (18.5)
Institution type, n (%)
 Academic 74 (11.7) 12 (4.6) 57 (13.9) 12 (6.1)
 Community 545 (86.5) 242 (93.4) 343 (83.9) 181 (92.3)
 Government 11 (1.7) 5 (1.9) 9 (2.2) 3 (1.5)
Insurance, n (%)e
 Medicare 283 (44.9) 229 (88.4) 227 (55.5) 175 (89.3)
 Medicaid 28 (4.4) 14 (5.4) 16 (3.9) 7 (3.6)
 Supplemental coverage 86 (13.7) 92 (35.5) 81 (19.8) 67 (34.2)
 Private coverage 357 (56.7) 46 (17.8) 189 (46.2) 35 (17.9)
  HMO 88 (14.0) 16 (6.2) 56 (13.7) 13 (6.6)
  PPO 206 (32.7) 26 (10.0) 103 (25.2) 14 (7.1)
  Other 64 (10.2) 4 (1.5) 33 (8.1) 8 (4.1)
 Military 10 (1.6) 5 (1.9) 5 (1.2) 6 (3.1)
 Self-pay 13 (2.1) 0 6 (1.5) 0
 Other Insurance 10 (1.6) 3 (1.2) 8 (2.0) 3 (1.5)
 Not specified 15 (2.4) 5 (1.9) 19 (4.6) 2 (1.0)
ECOG score and status, n (%)c,d
 0 - Fully active 276 (57.4) 70 (33.7) <0.001 138 (46.8) 42 (30.7) 0.0105
 1 - Restricted in strenuous activity only 180 (37.4) 116 (55.8) 138 (46.8) 79 (57.7)
 2 - Ambulatory, but unable to work 22 (4.6) 19 (9.1) 17 (5.8) 14 (10.2)
 3 - Capable of only limited self-care 2 (0.4) 3 (1.4) 2 (0.7) 2 (1.5)
 4 - Completely disabled 1 (0.2) 0 0 0
Rai staging system score, n (%)c,d
 Stage 0 112 (23.7) 60 (28.4) 0.0219 63 (25.2) 46 (32.6) 0.1728
 Stage I 143 (30.2) 48 (22.7) 58 (23.2) 39 (27.7)
 Stage II 83 (17.5) 25 (11.8) 43 (17.2) 16 (11.3)
 Stage III 71 (15.0) 36 (17.1) 44 (17.6) 24 (17.0)
 Stage IV 64 (13.5) 42 (19.9) 42 (16.8) 16 (11.3)
Constitutional symptoms, n (%) 397 (63.0) 183 (71.8) 0.0192 264 (65.0) 126 (64.3) 0.977
 Fatiguef 328 (82.6) 152 (83.1) 212 (80.3) 114 (90.5)
 Fever 44 (11.1) 16 (8.7) 22 (8.3) 5 (4.0)
 Night sweats 164 (41.3) 62 (33.9) 85 (32.2) 27 (21.4)
 Other 69 (17.4) 44 (24.0) 54 (20.5) 25 (19.8)
 Weight loss 97 (24.4) 60 (32.8) 71 (26.9) 37 (29.4)
Metaphase cytogenetic analysis, n (%)e
 Yes 254 (40.3) 93 (35.9) 148 (36.2) 46 (23.5)
 Abnormalities foundf 110 (43.3) 48 (51.6) 81 (54.7) 23 (50.0)
  del(11q) 24 (9.4) 12 (12.9) 18 (12.2) 5 (10.9)
  del(13q) 36 (14.2) 11 (11.8) 23 (15.5) 7 (15.2)
  Trisomy 12 41 (16.1) 16 (17.2) 30 (20.3) 8 (17.4)
  del(17p) 13 (5.1) 6 (6.5) 12 (8.1) 3 (6.5)
  Other 35 (13.8) 18 (19.4) 36 (24.3) 10 (21.7)
FISH analysis, n (%)e
Yes 377 (59.8) 136 (52.5) 157 (38.4) 67 (34.2)
 Abnormalities foundf 281 (74.5) 99 (72.8) 116 (73.9) 44 (65.7)
  del(11q) 64 (17.0) 26 (19.1) 31 (19.7) 14 (20.9)
  del(13q) 179 (47.5) 59 (43.4) 69 (43.9) 30 (44.8)
  Trisomy 12 74 (19.6) 31 (22.8) 38 (24.2) 10 (14.9)
  del(17p) 33 (8.8) 18 (13.2) 28 (17.8) 9 (13.4)
  Other 24 (6.4) 14 (10.3) 11 (7.0) 6 (9.0)
 ALC (×109/L) 263 106 179 79
  Mean (×109/L) 68.5 58.4 52.7 54.2
  SD 75.7 62.9 64.5 51.9
  Median (×109/L) 46.1 34.6 25.6 40.1
  Range (×109/L) 0–564.0 1.3–275.4 0.1–306.0 0.8–271.1

a p values (bold text) calculated using a Chi-square test. b p values of interest are shown. cData are missing. dRounding of numbers may cause totals to be =, <, or > 100%. eMore than one answer permitted. fPercentages calculated based on the number of patients tested

ALC absolute lymphocyte count, CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia, ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, FISH fluorescence in-situ hybridization, HMO health maintenance organization, LOT1 first line of therapy, LOT ≥ 2 second line of therapy or greater, PPO preferred provider organization, SD standard deviation