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. 2017 Mar;95(3):306–311. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2016.10.007

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of participants

Percent or mean n/N
Mean age in years 26.0 (SD=6.0) 380
Education 380
 None 8.7 33
 Primary 56.8 216
 Secondary 29.7 113
 Postsecondary 4.7 18
Marital status 380
 Married and cohabiting 67.6 257
 Married, living apart 13.7 52
 Single 18.7 71
Mean parity 2.9 (SD=1.9) 380
Contraceptive experience 380
 New user of family planning 10.5 40
 New user of the injectable 10.3 39
 Experienced injectable user 79.2 301
Partner supports family planning use 71.2 269/378
Concerned about privacy at the clinic 379
 Not at all concerned 83.9 318
 A little concerned 12.9 49
 Very concerned 3.2 12
Level of anxiety about self-injection 0.32 (SD=0.51) 377
Number of practice attempts prior to self-injection 2.7 (SD=0.91) 380
Travel time to reach clinic 380
 <30 min 54.0 205
 30 min–1 h 27.6 105
 1–2 h 12.1 46
 >2 h 5.1 24
Paid for transport to reach clinic 44.6 169/379
Mean travel expense (in $) if >0 $0.87 (SD = $0.72) 169
Missed work for clinic visit 34.9 132/378