Mean age in years |
26.0 (SD=6.0) |
380 |
Education |
380 |
None |
8.7 |
33 |
Primary |
56.8 |
216 |
Secondary |
29.7 |
113 |
Postsecondary |
4.7 |
18 |
Marital status |
380 |
Married and cohabiting |
67.6 |
257 |
Married, living apart |
13.7 |
52 |
Single |
18.7 |
71 |
Mean parity |
2.9 (SD=1.9) |
380 |
Contraceptive experience |
380 |
New user of family planning |
10.5 |
40 |
New user of the injectable |
10.3 |
39 |
Experienced injectable user |
79.2 |
301 |
Partner supports family planning use |
71.2 |
269/378 |
Concerned about privacy at the clinic |
379 |
Not at all concerned |
83.9 |
318 |
A little concerned |
12.9 |
49 |
Very concerned |
3.2 |
12 |
Level of anxiety about self-injection |
0.32 (SD=0.51) |
377 |
Number of practice attempts prior to self-injection |
2.7 (SD=0.91) |
380 |
Travel time to reach clinic |
380 |
<30 min |
54.0 |
205 |
30 min–1 h |
27.6 |
105 |
1–2 h |
12.1 |
46 |
>2 h |
5.1 |
24 |
Paid for transport to reach clinic |
44.6 |
169/379 |
Mean travel expense (in $) if >0 |
$0.87 (SD = $0.72) |
169 |
Missed work for clinic visit |
34.9 |
132/378 |