Figure 1. PDGF and VEGF expression in human colon cancer probes and in HT29 cell line.
Significantly increased gene expression of PDGF A. and VEGF B. in human colon cancer probes in UICCI/II and III/IV. Normalization was performed with normal 2−ΔΔCq. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. C. Immunofluorescence double staining of colon cancer tissue UICC III/IV exhibited a positive expression of PDGF (Cy3, red) and VEGF (Cy3, red) in epithelial (Cytokeratin, Alexa 488, green) cancer tissue but no or occasionally low expression in stromal regions (Vimentin, Alexa 488, green) with PDGF or VEGF. Magnification x20. D. Cytospin of HT29 cells with positive PDGF or VEGF staining. E. Immunofluorescence staining showed a positive expression of PDGF (Cy3, red) and VEGF (Cy3, red), nuclear counterstaining with DAPI blue.