Properties of truncated Cdc27 proteins. (A) Schematic representation of wild-type and C-terminally truncated Cdc27 mutant proteins, showing the location and extent of the globular Cdc1 binding domain (speckled box) and the PCNA binding motif (black box). Cdc27-D1 lacks amino acids 160–372; Cdc27-D2 lacks 160–352; Cdc27 lacks 353–372. (B) Growth properties and drug sensitivities of cdc27-D1, cdc27-D2 and cdc27-D3 mutant strains at 32°C. Serial dilutions of exponentially growing cdc27-D1, cdc27-D2, cdc27-D3 and wild-type cells in YE were spotted (10 000, 1000, 100, 10 cells per spot) onto YE plates or YE plates containing 6mM HU, 0.0075% MMS and 2 μM CPT. Plates at 32°C and 36.5°C were incubated for 3 days. The 18°C plate was incubated for 7 days.