A-D 2D2 Th1 CD4+ Teff (Thy1.1) cells were transferred i.p. to WT recipients, and anti-CD48 or cIgG was given on days 4, 7 and 10. CNS and spleen were collected on day 13 for analysis by flow cytometry. A. Mean clinical scores, ±SEM. B. Peak clinical scores for all mice; bar represents median. C. Number of 2D2 CD4+Thy1.1+ T cells in the CNS (left) and spleen (right). D. Percentages of Foxp3+ of recipient CD4+Thy1.1− T cells in CNS and spleen. E-M. 2D2 Th1 CD4+ Teff (Thy1.1) were transferred i.v. into WT recipients that received anti-CD48 or cIgG on day 3 and EdU on day 4. Spleen, iLN and blood were collected on day 5 for analysis by flow cytometry. 2D2 and recipient CD4+ T cells were gated as Thy1.1+ CD4+ and Thy1.1− CD4+, respectively. E. Experimental setup. F. Representative CD48, CD44 and Ki67 expression on 2D2 and recipient CD4+ T cells in control mice. G. Cells were restimulated in vitro with PMA/ionomycin. Representative IFN-γ staining (left) and percentages of IFN-γ+ (right) of 2D2 CD4+ cells. Number of 2D2 (H) and IFN-γ+ 2D2 (I) CD4+ T cells. J. Representative Ki67 expression (left) and percentages of Ki67+ (right) 2D2 CD4+ cells. K. Representative EdU staining (left) and percentages of EdU+ (right) 2D2 CD4+ cells. L. Numbers of recipient CD4+ T cells. M. Percentages of Foxp3+ of recipient CD4+ T cells. Representative of 3 independent experiments with 5-7 mice per group. Gray arrows in A indicate antibody treatments (Tx). Dots in B, C and L represent individual mice. NA, not applicable.