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. 2016 Jun 6;58(4):347–353. doi: 10.1539/joh.16-0002-OA

Table 1.

Demographic and Exposure Characteristics of Rescue Workers Who Participated in the Follow-up Study (n=191)

Variables n % Mean SD
SD, standard deviation.
RS-14, a short version of resilience scale; SF-PTGI, a short form of posttraumatic growth inventory; UWES, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale; IES-R, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised
Age (years) 42.4 7.8
Men 117 61.3
 Medical Doctor 45 23.6
 Nurse 83 43.5
 Operational coordination staff 63 33.0
Period of deployment (days) 3.6 1.2
Stress prior to deployment, yes 53 27.7
Saved a child during deployment, yes 8 4.2
Contact with corpses during deployment, yes 14 7.3
Concern over radiation exposure, yes 14 7.3
RS-14 at baseline 68.1 12.2
PDI at baseline 12.3 7.1
SF-PTGI at follow-up 17.8 10.6
 Relating to others 4.2 2.6
 New possibilities 3.8 2.7
 Personal strength 3.0 2.4
 Spiritual change 2.0 2.2
 Appreciation of life 4.9 2.6
UWES at follow-up 25.5 10.8
 Vigor 7.9 3.8
 Dedication 9.6 3.7
 absorption 7.9 3.9
IES-R at follow-up 5.4 6.7
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