Overview of the experimental setup and neuronal characteristics.
A) Experimental setup with dural electrical stimulation and recording of neurons in the TCC. MMA: middle meningeal artery; TCC: trigeminocervical complex; C1: spinal cord cervical 1; TNC: trigeminal nucleus caudalis.
B) An original tracing from a typical unit (second-order neurons) responding to electrical stimulation of the dura mater adjacent to the MMA (latencies in the Aδ-fiber range). Black arrow represents stimulus artefact.
C) The location of recording sites in the TCC from which recordings of nociceptive neurons, receiving convergent input from the dura mater and facial receptive field, were made. The locations were reconstructed from lesions (•) and are located in laminae II–V, predominantly in lamina V.
D) A histological example for the lesion mark (brown lesion as indicated by the arrow) of the recording site in the TCC (lamina V), marked by electrothermolytic lesion (4–6 μA for 60 s). The section was counterstained with thionin.