Figure 3.
Brain regions with significant coherence with the PPNR. Frequency-specific whole brain images of coherence with the PPNR (DICS images) were entered into an ANOVA with surrogate shuffled data. Note that all images from left-sided PPNR-LFP data have been reflected across the median sagittal plane to allow inference regarding ipsilateral versus contralateral areas of coherence. The resulting thresholded SPMs are displayed above, overlayed onto corresponding orthogonal sections through an averaged T1 weighted MRI in MNI space. Each significant cluster has been labeled with a corresponding number, which corresponds to the ROI label. Top row (blue): alpha coherence with the PPNR was greater than surrogate coherence in the subgenual cingulate (ROI 1), the posterior midcingulate (ROI 2) and the posterior brainstem (ROI 3). Bottom row (yellow): Beta coherence with the PPNR was significantly greater than surrogate coherence in the medial frontal wall in an area that overlapped with the posterior midcingulate, the SMA and the leg area of the primary motor cortex (ROI 4). Corresponding peak location statistical data are presented in Table 2. The color bar represents the t statistic for alpha (blue) and beta (yellow) coherence. Images are thresholded to P < 0.05 (FWE corrected).