A) Silver stain of gel filtration inputs for
Figure 5E. (
B) Quantification of SF3B1 immunoblots from glycerol gradient fraction 25 in
Figure 5B, relative to Cal51 (n = 3 for each cell line, see Appendix Methods). (
C) Quantification of SF3B1 immunoblots from glycerol gradient fractions 4–6 in
Figure 5C, relative to Cal51 (n = 3 for each cell line, see Appendix Methods). (
D) Quantification of SF3B1 immunoblots of only the minus doxycycline treated lanes from glycerol gradient fraction 25 in
Figure 5B, relative to Cal51. (n = 2 cell lines per group averaged from three technical replicates per cell line). (
E) SF3B1 immunoblot from cells used in panel F (with TR-shSF3B1#5). (
F) Drug sensitivity curves for indicated splicing modulators in cells without and with
SF3B1 suppression (TR-shSF3B1#5). (
G) SF3B1 immunoblot from HMC1–8 cells stably expressing shLacZ or shSF3B1 #3 used in panel
H. (
H) Spliceostatin A drug sensitivity curve for
SF3B1neutral HMC1–8 cells stably expressing shLacZ or shSF3B1 #3 hairpins. (
I) Pladienolide B drug sensitivity curves in SF3B1
loss-Cal51 cells and SF3B1
control-Cal51 or parental Cal51 cells. For all panels, *p<0.05 **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.