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. 2017 Mar 17;34(4):60. doi: 10.1007/s12032-017-0918-1

Table 1.

Compilation of the novel targeted therapy agents in HNSCC treatment

Drug Mechanism Target Phase Status Sponsor References
Cetuximab mAb EGFR FDA approved ImClone Systems, Inc.
Panitumumab EGFR II Ongoing Amgen [38]
Nimotuzumab EGFR II Ongoing National Cancer Centre [40]
Zalutumumab EGFR III Completed Genmab [36]
MEDH7945A EGFR, HER3 II Completed Genentech [74]
Transtuzumab HER2 II Unknown Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genentech [75]
AV-203 HER3 I Completed AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [76]
Cixutumumab IGFR II Completed ImClone LLC [77]
Bevacizumab VEGF II Ongoing Woondong Jeong [45]
Pembrolizumab PD-1 II Ongoing Merck Sharp and Dohme Corp [53]
Nivolumab PD-1 III Ongoing Bristol-Myers Squibb [59]
Durvalumab PD-L1 II Recruiting AstraZeneca [54]
Onartuzumab c-Met II Completed Genentech, Inc. [78]
Rilotumumab HGF II Completed Amgen [28]
Ficlatuzumab HGF I Recruiting Julie E. Bauman, MD, MPH [30]
Siltuximab IL-6 II Completed Southwest Oncology Group [33]
Ipilimumab CTLA-4 I Recruiting National Cancer Institute [79]
Tremelimumab CTLA-4 III Recruiting AstraZeneca [58]
Urelumab CD137 I Ongoing Bristol-Myers Squibb [80]
Gefitinib TKI EGFR II Completed AstraZeneca [81]
Erlotinib EGFR III Ongoing Grupo de Investigación Clínica en Oncología Radioterapia [64]
Dacomitinib EGFR I,II Completed University Health Network [82]
Lapatinib EGFR, HER2 III Completed GlaxoSmithKline [83]
Afatinib EGFR, HER2, HER4 III Recruiting Centre Leon Berard [84]
Sunitinib VEGFR, PDGFR, Flt3, c-kit I Terminated National Cancer Institute [85]
AZD-1480 JAK1, 2 I Terminated AstraZeneca [86]
Ruxolitinib JAK1, 2 0 Not yet recruiting University of Pittsburgh [87]
Tivantinib c-Met II Ongoing National Cancer Institute [88]
Foretinib VEGFR, c-Met II Completed GlaxoSmithKline [89]
Sorafenib VEGFR, PDGFR, Raf I, II Completed Duke University [90]
Dasatinib Src I, II Ongoing Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center [69]
GDC-0941 PI3K I Completed Genentech, Inc. [91]
PX-866 PI3 K I, II Completed Oncothyreon Inc. [92]
NVP-BKM120 PI3K II Ongoing Novartis Pharmaceuticals [93]
PVP BYL719 PI3K II Recruiting Novartis Pharmaceuticals [94]
Everolimus mTOR I Not yet open M.D. Anderson Cancer Center [95]
IL-2 Immunomodulators II Completed H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute [96]
IL-12 I, II Ongoing National Cancer Institute [97]
IFN-α2a III Completed Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group [98]
Bortezomib Proteasome II Completed Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center [99]