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. 2016 Nov 25;42(3):750–761. doi: 10.1007/s11064-016-2111-x

Table 1.

The summary of recent studies on asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in acute and chronic liver failure in patients and animal models of HE

Reference Subjects Localization ADMA l-Arg l-Arg/ADMA DDAH Findings
Bajaj et al. [30] Patients, (CLF) cirrhosis, TIPS Plasma Increased ADMA levels higher in patients with HE, correlation with cognitive dysfunction
Brenner et al. [31] Patients, (ALF)/sepsis Plasma Increased Increased/decreased Decreased Measurements of ADMA and l-arg at sepsis onset appeared to be early predictors for survival in septic patients with ALF
Mookerjee et al. [32] Patients, (ALF) (acetaminophen) Plasma Increased Correlation between ADMA levels and proinflammatory cytokines
Mookerjee et al. [33] Patients, (CLF) alcoholic hepatitis Plasma, liver Increased in the plasma and liver Decreased in the liver (DDAH2) Alcoholic hepatitis patients have higher portal pressures associated with increased ADMA
Lluch et al. [34] Patients, (CLF) alcoholic cirrhosis Plasma Increased Decreased ADMA might oppose the peripheral vasodilation caused by excessive NO production in severe cirrhosis
Vizzutti et al. [35] Patients, (CLF) hepatitis C virus Plasma Increased ADMA correlates with portal pressure
Nijveldt et al. [36] Patients (major hepatectomy) Plasma Increased Increased levels of ADMA occur in the postoperative course after a major hepatic resection
Milewski et al. [37] Rat, TAA (ALF) Plasma, brain Increased Decreased Decreased activity Histidine decreased brain ADMA level
Bekpinar et al. [38] Rat, TAA (ALF) Plasma, liver Increased in the plasma Decreased in the plasma Decreased in the plasma Decreased activity in the liver Rosiglitazone improved the plasma arginine/ADMA ratio
Develi-Is et al. [39] Rat, TAA (ALF) Plasma, liver Increased in the plasma Decreased in the plasma Decreased activity in the liver Hemin increased DDAH activity
Bal et al. [40] Rat, (LPS)/d-galactosamine (ALF) Liver Increased Increased No changes Decreased activity in the liver Metformin decreased tissue ADMA level and restored the DDAH activity
Ferrigno et al. [41] Rat, BDLa Liver Increased No changes Tissue ADMA increases with a CAT-2-dependent mechanism
Sharma et al. [42] Pig, PCS (ALF) Plasma Increased Decreased Decreased Relative reduction in l-arginine concentration despite increased de novo production reduction the effect of arginase on NOS by the increase in the levels of ADMA
Balasubramaniyan et al. [43] Rat, BDL (CLF) Plasma, brain Increased No changes in the brain Decreased in the brain Decreased in the brain
Reduction in ammonia with OP reduces neuroinflammation and restores eNOS activity
Huang et al. [44] Rat, BDL (CLF)
Plasma, liver, kidney Increased in the plasma Decreased in the plasma In cirrhosis with sepsis, simultaneous lowering of ADMA levels and enhancement of l-arginine levels may be an optimal strategy for the treatment of kidney injury
Yang et al. [45] Rat, BDL (CLF) Liver Increased Decreased (both isoforms) Vitamin E suppressed hepatic ADMA and oxidative stress
Huang et al. [46] Rat, BDL (CLF) Plasma, brain, liver Increased in the plasma No changes in the plasma Decreased in the plasma No changes in the brain and the liver Plasma ADMA plays a role in BDL-induced spatial deficit
Laleman et al. [47] Rat, TAA (CLF), BDE (CLF)
Plasma Increased in plasma of BDE rats, no changes in the plasma in TAA rats In rats with biliary cirrhosis, ADMA may mediate decreased NOS activity

Animal models were ordered according to guidelines accepted by International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and nitrogen metabolism [48]

a3-Day cholestasis

b14-Day cirrhosis with superimposed sepsis