Fig. 11.
Regressions on GA using, from left to right columns: apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), relative anisotropy (RA) and volume ratio (VR) as predictors (X-axes). The rows represent all the tracts found in 3.1, 3.2, 3.3. The Y-axis of each plot corresponds to the dependent variable which we aim to predict, in this case the GA, and data comes from the column GA in Table 1. The Y-axis range, given in weeks, is automatically configured in the plots by the dispersion present in the independent factors studied. The X axis is the independent factor which is defined in the header of each figure. The units of the X axis have been omitted to favor the visualization; thus, the trending patterns are emphasized. It is our intention to see if those trends can be associated with developmental insights. Note that the length of fibers is giving in mm while the volume is presented in mm3. The rest of variables belong to the diffusion derived group, and their units are the standard ones for dMRI in humans. Finally, the condition is always the birth time, classified as a boolean value for the term (blue) and preterm (green) subjects.