Figure 3. Immune markers as predictors of disease progression.
Fitting linear models to determine the level of associations between the immune variables and the level of shedding for animals in the different groups. In Group 1 and Group 2 animals, weak linear relationships between CFU vs Th1, CFU vs Th2 and Th1 vs Th2, are predicted. In Groups 3, the ELISA assay is shown to be strongly correlated with MAP shedding, while IFN-γ is also positively correlated with the CFU and the ELISA assays. The data in each group are represented by a different shape (i) Group 1 a circle, (ii) Group 2, a square and Group 3, a triangle. The model fitted lines are represented by (i) a solid continuous lines (the model y = β1x) with different color shadings showing the 95% CIs and (ii) the broken lines (y = β0 + β1x) with the grey shading showing the 95% CIs.