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. 2017 Jan 24;19(1):e27. doi: 10.2196/jmir.6709

Table 5.

Principal component analysis on the Digital Health Literacy Instrument at baseline (T1; N=200).

Item Componenta
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How easy or difficult is it for you to…

1. Use the keyboard of a computer (eg, to type words)? .838

2. Use the mouse (eg, to put the cursor in the right field or to click)? .879

3. Use the buttons or links and hyperlinks on websites? .817

When you search the Internet for information on health, how easy or difficult is it for you to…
4. Make a choice from all the information you find?

5. Use the proper words or search query to find the information you are looking for?

6. Find the exact information you are looking for?

7. Decide whether the information is reliable or not?


8. Decide whether the information is written with commercial interests (eg, by people trying to sell a product)?


9. Check different websites to see whether they provide the same information?


10. Decide if the information you found is applicable to you?


11. Apply the information you found in your daily life?


12. Use the information you found to make decisions about your health (eg, on nutrition, medication or to decide whether to ask a doctor’s opinion)?


When you search the Internet for health information, how often does it happen that…
13. You lose track of where you are on a website or the Internet?


14. You do not know how to return to a previous page?


15. You click on something and get to see something different than you expected?


When typing a message (eg, to your doctor, on a forum, or on social media such as Facebook or Twitter) how easy or difficult is it for you to…
16. Clearly formulate your question or health-related worry?

17. Express your opinion, thoughts, or feelings in writing?

18. Write your message as such, for people to understand exactly what you mean?

When you post a message on a public forum or social media, how often…
19. Do you find it difficult to judge who can read along?

20 Do you (intentionally or unintentionally) share your own private information (eg, name or address)?

21. Do you (intentionally or unintentionally) share some else’s private information?

Eigenvalue 7.58 2.16 1.59 0.95 1.12 1.91 0.82
% of variance 14.3 12.5 9.9 9.2 9.6 12.3 8.0

aThe items were as follows: 1: operational skills; 2: information searching; 3: evaluating reliability; 4: determining relevance; 5: navigation skills; 6: adding self-generated content; 7: protecting privacy.