Fig. 5.
Determination of the eIF2αK activated in response to stresses. (A) WT, ΔHRI, ΔPKR, ΔPERK and ΔGCN2 mutant cells were exposed to SA, heat shock, Thaps, MG132, UV or NaCl as described in previous figures. Cells were pulsed with puromycin for 5 min before lysis. Whole-cell extract was analyzed by western blotting for puromycin, p-eIF2α, total eIF2α and actin, n≥3. (B) Cells positive for G3BP1 staining were analyzed as in Fig. 2B. Results are mean±s.e.m., n≥3. *P≤0.05 compared with WT (unpaired Student's t-test).