Compilation of LGM ventilation data from subtropical western North Atlantic core sites (16, 34) with the new data presented here (Dataset S3). (A) Stable isotope profiles of Cibicidoides δ13C (filled red circles) and δ18O (open black circles) on Carolina Slope, Bahama Outer Ridge (BOR), Blake Ridge, and BR. Cibicidoides are very rare during the LGM along the western margin, so, in most cases, the δ13C are single measurements where a few individuals were found. Otherwise, error bars are a nominal ±1σ. Multiple analyses were possible on BR, but the large scatter in Cibicidoides δ13C may represent greater influence of bioturbation and/or the presence of low δ13C in fluff layers where diatoms are preserved. Because the samples for stable isotope data were not dated, the curves represent average conditions for the LGM (18−21 ka). (B) Profile of the difference between benthic and planktonic (B-P) conventional 14C ages from NW Atlantic sediment cores during the LGM. Note similar trends in the two C isotope data sets. It is argued here that the reversal in the trends of δ13C and 14CB-P below 4.2 km is evidence for a young source of North Atlantic bottom water during the LGM. Figs. S4−S7 put the new 14CB-P data in a stratigraphic framework.