MS402 ameliorates adoptive T-cell transfer-induced colitis in mice. (A) Changes of morphology of intestines of the Rag1−/− mice with and without MS402 treatment started at week 5 until week 8, as indicated in Fig. 4A. (B) Disease score assessing efficacy of MS402 treatment as in A on ameliorating inflammation of colitis in mice. The inflammation grading was graded on a scale of 0–3: negative (0), no inflammation; mild (1), mild and patchy; moderate (2), most crypts involved by inflammation; or severe (3), crypt abscess, ulceration, erosion, or submucosal involvement. The inflammation cells are most lymphocytes with some neutrophils. (C) Flow cytometry analysis assessing the effects of MS402 or JQ1 treatment (24 h at the indicated concentrations) on the maintenance of Th17 and Th1 cells after being differentiated from mouse primary naïve CD4+ T cells purified from spleens and lymph nodes of C57BL/6 mice under Th17 and Th1 polarization conditions after 3 d. These results are statistically significant (P < 0.05) and are representative of more than two independent experiments.