Figure 5. Activation of CD154+ CD4 T cells and CHIKV-specific cytokine secretion induced by different CHIKV vaccine candidates using ICS assay.
Δ5, attenuated virus (n = 6) (red); DD, homologous prime-boost (n = 4) (green); DM, heterologous prime-boost (n = 6) (blue); Control, no vaccine but NaCl injection only (n = 4) (orange). Antigens used for stimulation of T cells: medium only (NS), envelope E1, envelope E2, Capsid, and nsP1. (A) The percentage of CD154+ cells among the CD4 T cells (green scale with 10 steps from 0.0%–1.0%) from each animal in each group at 14 days after boost. (B) The quality and the quantity of the cytokine response (IFN-γ, IL-2, and TNF-α) by the CD154+ CD4 T cells in Δ5 and DM groups at 14 days after boost. Secreted cytokines are represented with color: no cytokine (gray), one secreted cytokine (range of pink), 2 or more secreted cytokines (range of red). Quantity of secreted cytokines is presented as percentage among the CD4 T cells and represented by a 5-size scale of pies (0.0%–1.0%).