Persistence of microglial-specific Mer ablation following tamoxifen injection of Cx3cr1CreER/+Mertkfl/fl mice. a, Mice were injected IP with oil vehicle alone (− tamoxifen, top row) or with tamoxifen (+ tamoxifen, bottom row) (see Methods), and brain sections were immunostained for Mer protein expression (red panels in 2nd, 4th columns) in Iba1+ microglia (green panels in 1st, 3rd columns) at 1 wk (left four panels) and 7 wks (right four panels) after injection. Sections counter-stained with Hoechst 33258 to visualize nuclei (blue). b, Brain sections containing a brain capillary 7 weeks after injection of vehicle (top) or tamoxifen (bottom), showing that while Mer expression in microglia is eliminated upon tamoxifen-mediated Cx3cr1-restricted induction of Cre activity, Mer expression in CD31+ microvascular endothelial cells (arrows) is maintained. Representative images of n = 2 mice per time point.