Figure 4.
Identification of a T-DNA insertion in locus At3g15870 encoding ADS3.2. Genomic DNA from wild type (WT) and an individual of line SALK_142406 (SALK) were analyzed by PCR for the presence or absence of wild-type and T-DNA-disrupted alleles of At3g15870. A, Predicted intron/exon structure of the corrected At3g15870 gene. Triangle, Position of the T-DNA insertion in SALK_142406; arrows, primers used for amplification (F, forward primer; L, T-DNA left-border primer; R, reverse primer); bars, amplification products for wild-type allele (top) and T-DNA-disrupted allele (bottom). B, Two primer pairs were used to screen genomic DNA from wild type (lanes 1, 3, and 5) and a line of SALK_142406 (lanes 2, 4, and 6) for the presence of wild-type (F, R) and/or a T-DNA-disrupted (F, L) allele of At3g15870. Lanes 5 and 6 show the amplification of wild-type At3g15850 in both samples. C, Leaf fatty acid pattern of homozygous SALK_142406 line. Arrow, Elution position of 16:3Δ7,10,13. Number denotes 16:3Δ7,10,13 quantification as mol% of total fatty acids. Elution positions of other fatty acids are indicated.