Figure 3.
A, Activation of the Bplti36 promoter in response to LT (ca), exogenous ABA (aba), and drought (d) in transgenic Arabidopsis carrying the Bplti36 promoter fused to the β-glucuronidase reporter gene (uidA). Plants were transferred from 20°C to 4°C, treated by 60 μm ABA for 6 h, or exposed to drought for overnight. The effects of different treatments on the activity of Bplti36 promoter were determined by using uidA as a probe. co, Control plants grown at normal growth conditions. B, Activation of the Bplti36 promoter in CBF3 overproducers (crCBF3) and corresponding vector controls (crB6) in normal-growth conditions (c) and after exposure to cold (ca; 4°C) for 6 h. Transgenic Arabidopsis carrying Bplti36 promoter fused to uidA-reporter gene were crossed with CBF3 overproducer (crCBF) and corresponding-vector control B6 (crB6). The activity of Bplti36 promoter in crosses were determined by using uidA as a probe. The efficacy of the cold treatment and equal RNA loading were controlled with an LTI78 probe and total RNA staining with methyl blue staining, respectively.