Similar epidermal defects in ARKID and Vps33bfl/fl-ERT2 mice. (a) Control and (b) ARKID palmar skin, H&E, scale bars = 1 mm. (c–e) ARKID skin TEM (c) LBs (*) and (d) lipid bilayers (arrows) within corneocytes, (e) inhomogeneous LB secretion (double arrows) and aberrant LBs, scale bars = 0.5 μm. (f, g) Dermoepidermal junction in (f) control and (g) ARKID abdominal skin, anchoring fibrils (arrows), scale bars = 0.5 μm. (h) wt and (i) Vps33bfl/fl-ERT2 dorsal epidermis, H&E, scale bars = 50 μm. (j) wt and (k) Vps33bfl/fl-ERT2 epidermis TEM: normal (white arrows) versus entombed bilayers (black arrows), aberrant LBs (*), scale bars = 0.2 μm. (l) aberrant LBs at the SG-SC interface (double arrows), scale bar = 2 μm. ARKID, autosomal recessive keratoderma-ichthyosis-deafness; BM, basement membrane; h, hemidesmosomes; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; LB, lamellar body; SB, stratum basale; SC, stratum corneum; SG, stratum granulosum; SS, stratum spinosum; TEM, transmission electron microscopy; wt, wild type.