Alkylating agents inter- and intrastrand DNA crosslinks
Longer latency, median 5–7 years
Older patients
Preceded by dysplastic phase
Deletion or loss of 5q and/or 7q or complete loss of chromosome 5 and 7
Poor response to standard induction chemotherapy
Alkylating agents have reactive groups that interact covalently with nucleophilic sites in DNA
Diadduct/Monoadduct ratio proportional to leukemogenicity
Melphalan induces nonrandom chromosome breaks, e.g., chromosomes 5,7, 11, and 17.
Clustering of break points at centromeric or pericentric region of several chromosomes, including chromosome 5 and 7.
Topoisomerase II inhibitors intercalate dsDNA
Short latency, median 1–3 years
Younger patients
No dysplastic phase
Balanced chromosome aberrations, e.g., MLL 11q23, RUNX1/AML1 21q22, PML-RARA t(15;17)
More favorable response to standard induction chemotherapy
Antitumor antibiotics and epipodophyllotoxins
Intercalate dsDNA → stabilize DNA-topoisomerase complex which collides with the replication fork or transcriptional machinery → double strand breaks
Double strand breaks occur frequently at loci of hematopoietic transcription factors e.g., MLL, AML1, CBFB, RARA, NUP98
Double strand breaks colocalize with DNaseI hypersensitivity sites that have open chromatin structure