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. 2017 Mar 19;3(2):143–150. doi: 10.1016/j.jdcr.2017.01.002

Table I.

Clinical and molecular data of the different types of syndromic inherited poikiloderma

OMIM number RTS #268400 PN #604173 DKC #127550 #224230 #305000 #613987 #613988 #613989 #613990 #615190 #616353 KS #173650 WHSK 173700 XP #278700 #278720 #278730 #278740 #278760 #278780 #610651 BS #210900 BGS #218600 FA #227645 #227646 #227650 #300514 #600901 #603467 #609053 #609054 #610832 #613390 #613951 #614082 #614083 #615272 #616435 POIKTMP #615704
Inheritance AR AR AD AR X-linked AR AD AR AR AR AR X-linked AD
Onset of poikiloderma 3-6 mo 6 mo Prevalent acral distribution 3-5 y Lacy reticular pigmentation rather than true poikiloderma 2-3 y 2-4 y Accentuated in flexural areas Late childhood Abnormal freckling on the face before age 2 y ; real poikiloderma is rare 1-2 y Butterfly distribution of face; initially telangiectatic erythema and not poikiloderma Late onset (not in early infancy) Variable Poikilodermoidbrownish pigmentation and hypo pigmentation 6 mo
Palmoplantar keratoderma About 30% of patients Frequent May be present 65% May be present Absent Absent Absent Absent May be present
Blister In early childhood; in sun-exposed areas May be present In areas of trauma Acral; after trauma or sun exposure present at birth: fourth type of inherited epidermolysis bullosa Absent In neonate; in sun-exposed areas Blister around the mouth In infancy (face buttocks extremities) Absent May be present
Nail abnormalities Pachyonychia is common Pachyonychia Major feature (lichen planus-like changes) Frequent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent May be present
Dental defects Frequent (27%–59%); wide variety of malformations Dental eruption delay; fragile carious teeth Poor dentition; early dental loss Periodontal disease Absent Absent Occasional absence of lateral incisors Delayed eruption of teeth Severe generalized periodontitis Absent (rarely poor dentition; recurrent gingivitis)
Mucous membrane lesions Absent Absent Major feature: leukoplakia, stenosis Orogenital leukokeratosis; mucous stenosis Absent Tongue leukoplakia Absent Anus anteposition; imperforated anus Oral leukoplakia No leukoplakia
Other dermatologic signs Hypotrichosis/ alopecia photosensitivity; café-au-lait spots Photosensitivity; sparse eyelash-eyebrows No photosensitivity; absent fingerprints; alopecia; canities Photosensitivity; skin fragility; skin atrophy; loss of dermal ridges; pseudosyndactyly pseudoainhum; phimosis ; anhidrosis Sclerosis of palms and soles; linear hyperkeratosis and sclerotic bands in skin folds; calcinosis; clubbing fingers; Raynaud's phenomenon Photosensitivity; xerosis Photosensitivity; paucity of subcutaneous fat; loss of the lower eyelashes; café-au-lait spots Swelling of the extremities Café-au-lait spots Hypohidrosis/heat intolerance; hypotrichosis/alopecia; lymphoedema of extremities; xerosis; eczema or psoriasis-like lesions; sclerosis of the digits; guttate hypo- melanosis
Ocular abnormalities Cataract Absent Epiphora blepharitis retinopathy Conjunctivitis; corneal erosion; ectropion of the lower eyelids Absent Photophobia; severe keratitis Wide variety Ocular proptosis; hypertelorism Microphthalmia May be present (cataract)
Skeletal defects
Radial ray defects; patellar hypoplasia; frontal bossing; saddle nose Craniofacial dysmorphism; hypermobile fingers with beak of swan appearence Microcephaly; osteoporosis Skull or mandibular abnormalities Mandibuloacral dysplasia; maxillary bossing; micrognathia Absent Microcephaly; dolichocephaly; prominence of the nose and ears Coronal cranio-synostosis; radial ray defects; patellar hypoplasia Microcephaly; absent or abnormal thumbs and radii May be present (scoliosis) small feet
Respiratory system Bronchiectasis Recurrent pulmonary infections Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis Normal No pulmonary involvement Normal Pneumonia bronchiectasis chronic pulmonary disease Normal Pulmonary infections Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Hematologic features Leukopenia anemia Permanent neutropenia High frequency of bone marrow failure; pancytopenia Absent Absent Absent Myelodysplasia; low immunoglobulin counts Absent Major feature (bone marrow failure); myelodysplasia Eosinophilia
Other visceral abnormalities Chronic diarrhea in early childhood Recurrent otitis media; splenomegaly Liver cirrhosis Severe colitis Cardiac involvement; cardiac valvular diseases; aortic stenosis Acquired microcephaly; neuro-degeneration (30%) in some variants Immunodeficiency with recurrent infections; diabetes mellitus; gastroesophageal reflux; diarrhea; lower urinary tract obstruction Heart-hand syndrome: radial abnormalities and defects in the heart Type 2 diabetes (adults); ear abnormalities; hearing loss Muscle contractures (triceps surae); muscle atrophy; weakness of proximal and distal muscles; liver involvement; pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Physical development Pre- and postnatal growth deficiency Short stature Short stature Normal Growth retardation Normal Pre- and postnatal growth deficiency Short stature Pre- and postnatal growth retardation Growth retardation
Mental development Normal Normal or slightly delayed Mental retardation Normal Normal Intellectual deficiency (30%) Normal or limited Mental retardation in some patients May be delayed Normal
Malignancy Osteosarcomas (childhood); skin carcinomas (adults); myelodysplasia; leukemia; lymphoma Myelodysplasia; acute myeloid leukemia Squamous cell carcinoma in and outside the areas of leukoplakia; Myelodysplasia ; acute myeloid leukemia Mucocutaneous squamous cell carcinomas Absent Skin carcinomas, melanomas in early childhood; ocular and tongue neoplasms; leukemia Types and sites of cancer very broad; early frequent (46%) Osteosarcomas; skin carcinomas; lymphoma Acute myeloid leukemia; squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck, esophagus, and vulva; liver tumors Absent (pancreatic cancer?)
Genetic defect RECQL4 on 8q24.3 C16orf57 on 16q21 TERC on 3q26.2
NOLA3 on 15q14
DKC1 on Xq28
NOLA2 on 5q35.3
WRAP53 on 17p13.1
TERT on 5p15.33
TINF2 on 14q12
RTEL1 on 20q13.33
PARN on 16p13.12
KIND1 on 20p12.3 Unknown XPA on 9q22.33
XPC on 3p25.1
ERCC2 on 19q13.32
DDB2 on 11p11.2
ERCC4 on 16p13.12
ERCC5 on 13q33.1
ERCC3 on 2q14.3
BLM/RECQL3 on 15q26.1 RECQL4 on 8q24.3 FANCC on 9q22.32
FANCD2 on 3p25.3
FANCA on 16q24.3
FAAP95 on Xp22.2
FANCE on 6p21.31
FANCF on 11p14.3
FANCI on 15q26
BRIP1 on 17q23.2
PALB2 on 16p12.2
RAD51C on 17q22
SLX4 X on 16p13.3
XRCC9 on 9p13.3
PHF9 on 2p16.1
ERCC4 on 16p13.12
UBE2T on 1q32.1
FAM111B on 11q12.1

Some of the discussed entities rather display a mottled disorder of pigmentation than true poikiloderma, which associates a reticulate hyperpigmentation, atrophy and telangiectases, but distinction between those 2 dermatologic phenotypes is not always done in published literature. Werner syndrome (OMIM #277700) is not mentioned because the symptoms appear in adulthood. It is associated with increased risk of malignancies (thyroid carcinoma, melanoma, soft-tissue sarcoma, meningioma).

AD, Autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; BGS, Baller-Gerold syndrome; BS, Bloom syndrome; DKC, dyskeratosis congenita; FA, Fanconi anemia; KS, Kindler syndrome; PN, poikiloderma with neutropenia; POIKTMP, hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy, and pulmonary fibrosis; WHSK, Weary hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma; XP, xeroderma pigmentosum.

Mutations in RECQL4 are also associated with RAPADILINO syndrome, which overlaps clinically with RTS but without poikiloderma.